We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

The Water Cooler Company is a family run business based in London which rents and services over 2000 bottled and bottleless water coolers across London.

Our focus allows us to provide an excellent service. Most of our competitors are based many miles outside London and are unable to match our levels of customer and technical support. Customers who require water coolers outside London are serviced by our partner companies.

  • The Water Cooler Company is an accredited member of the EPWDA ("European Point-of-use Drinking Water association") which is the watercooler industry self- regulatory body. Please click here to view our EPDWA membership certificate.

  • We have certain water cooler product and parts that are WRAS approved if this is a requirement. Please ask us for further details or look at our blog article on WRAS.

  • No call centres – you’ll get directly through to a “real” person who will assist you.
  • All our staff and engineers are employed full time - we only use sub-contractors for specialist plumbing where needed by clients.
  • There is a total of 78 years experience in this industry within our company.
  • We offer a professional plumbing service to install coolers in tricky locations.
  • Our accredited installers have all "successfully completed a course and examination on "The Water Supply (Water Fitting) Regulations 1999" and the "Scottish Water Byelaws 2004" and has passed a practical mains-fed water cooler installation test qualifying him as an EPDWA POU Installer - The course is operated by the EPDWA in conjunction with NRc-NSF.

  • Key Engineers are also certified through the Thames Water Approved Plumber Scheme (TAPS) and an approved plumber certificate for one of our employees is shown here for customers information. For more details on what this scheme means to customers view our blog article on what TAPS means to you as a customer.
  • Just call us and see the difference