We have updated our Privacy Notice. These changes are designed to provide greater clarity on how we use your personal information and to consolidate previously separate EU and rest-of-world notices into a single document.

Distilled water emblemThe Distilled Water Company produces a higher quality of distilled water than is available through traditional retail channels in the UK.

Distilled water is purified water that has been produced by a process of distillation and has an electrical conductivity of not more than 10 µS/cm and total dissolved solids of less than 10 mg/L. It is manufactured water guaranteeing customers a purity that they cannot get through more traditional water.

Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container, leaving most solid contaminants behind. This distilled water now has no impurities and can be used as both a distilled or a deionized water.

We produce our distilled water at our bottling plant. The water is produced by two industrial distillation machines and from there it is bottled and then dispatched from our warehouse in London.

Typical Analysis of our distilled water

  • Conductivity <5.0µS/cm
  • H2O M.W. 18.01
  • pH 5-8
  • Chloride (as Cl) <5.0ppm
  • Nitrate <0.2ppm
  • Nitrite <0.003ppm
  • Sulphate <5.0ppm
  • Ammonia (as N) <0.01ppm

Please note - our water is not certified for human consumption. Conductivity reading taken at time of manufacture. This will increase over time, due to CO2 absorption.

Relevant Certificate of Conformities available at request, please contact for further information on 0845 006 3309 or email [email protected].